Yes! You can browse through all our recipes simply by downloading the Hestan Cue app. You’ll also be able to see the ingredients for each recipe and watch the recipe videos to get a sense of what to expect.
With six recipe categories, you'll surely find a dish that suits your mood. Below are some of the categories and recipe types offered in the app:
- Seasonal Favorites: Fall, Spring, Summer, and Winter recipes
- Popular: popular recipes cooked by other Cue cooks
- Quick & Easy: Easy Breakfast, Quick Proteins, Simple Seafood, Basic Veggies, Easy Favorites
- Course: Breakfast, Dinner, Desserts, Lunch, Side, Appetizers, Sauce, Brunch, Condiment, Snacks
- Main Ingredient: Seafood, Poultry, Beef, Vegetables & Legumes, Grains & Starches, Pork, Lamb, Eggs & Custards, Batters & Doughs, Dairy, Fruit, Sweets
- Cuisine: American, Asian, Italian, Mexican, French, Mediterranean, Latin American, Middle Eastern
Tip: You do not need to own a Cue to make many of the "oven" recipes, so you can start trying our chef's meals right now! Try typing "oven" in the search bar within the Cue app.